
Lisa Lanthier
B: 1969-02-14
D: 2025-02-06
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Lanthier, Lisa
Clarence Gatien
B: 1925-02-09
D: 2025-02-06
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Gatien, Clarence
Coreen Sirkka
B: 1966-12-16
D: 2025-02-06
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Sirkka, Coreen
Estella Tamborn
B: 1944-01-30
D: 2025-02-06
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Tamborn, Estella
Roger Paquette
B: 1953-12-21
D: 2025-02-05
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Paquette, Roger
Ljuba Bede
B: 1926-06-12
D: 2025-02-05
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Bede, Ljuba
Kenneth Carmichael
B: 1952-04-07
D: 2025-02-03
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Carmichael, Kenneth
Balwant Moudgil
B: 1940-09-19
D: 2025-02-03
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Moudgil, Balwant
George Roy
B: 1934-02-20
D: 2025-02-01
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Roy, George
Bruce Sproule
B: 1962-08-02
D: 2025-01-31
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Sproule, Bruce
Erkki "Eric" Ruhanen
B: 1933-06-28
D: 2025-01-31
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Ruhanen, Erkki "Eric"
Peter Shawana
B: 1983-10-05
D: 2025-01-31
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Shawana, Peter
Holdan Romanowski
B: 2016-02-28
D: 2025-01-29
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Romanowski, Holdan
Lorraine Weist
B: 1937-09-05
D: 2025-01-29
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Weist, Lorraine
Edward Callaghan
B: 1939-03-14
D: 2025-01-28
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Callaghan, Edward
Clarence Vowels
B: 1936-10-26
D: 2025-01-28
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Vowels, Clarence
Kevin Mount
B: 1962-07-29
D: 2025-01-28
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Mount, Kevin
Bill Kunkel
B: 1935-01-09
D: 2025-01-27
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Kunkel, Bill
Robert Williams
B: 1938-09-28
D: 2025-01-26
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Williams, Robert
Mary Kanerva
B: 1940-08-28
D: 2025-01-25
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Kanerva, Mary
Ronald Golden
B: 1946-07-06
D: 2025-01-24
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Golden, Ronald


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252 Regent St.
Sudbury, ON P3C 4C8
Phone: (705) 673-9591
Fax: (705) 675-2998

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Benefits (financial)

Benefits (financial)



a)      Canada Pension Plan (1-800-277-9915)

Anyone who has worked in Canada since 1966, for a period of 10 years or more and is currently working or has retired is entitled to receive a death benefit.  This benefit is paid directly to the person financially responsible for the funeral.

If you have worked less than 10 years since 1966 or retired before the age of 65, there may be a benefit of a lesser amount.

As well as the death benefit, a monthly pension may be available for the surviving spouse and/or “dependent” children under the age of 18 years and between 18 and 25 years providing the children are in school and still dependent on the family.  If the deceased has not worked since 1966, there will be no benefits at CPP.  If the deceased was receiving a monthly pension, the next of kin is entitled to sign the cheque for the month in which the deceased died, stating that the person has died and the date of death on the back of the cheque; and then will be able to deposit it or bring the cheque to the funeral home to be receipted as part payment, or if direct deposit allow the cheque to clear.

We (the funeral home) will notify the CPP office immediately at the time of death.  Under the new Privacy Act, the government will not allow the funeral home to process an application.  In order to receive any benefits YOU MUST fill out the applications and provide all needed documentation and mail it to the Income Security Programs, P.O. Box 2013, Timmins Ontario, P4N 8C8.  This guide is available online and the forms can be downloaded here.  If you require assistance in filling out the forms or having your documentation certified, please call or take into the Income Security Programs Office located at 19 Lisgar Street, Main Floor, Sudbury.

b)      Old Age Pension

The funeral home will officially notify the government of the death.  If the deceased was receiving Old Age Pension, the next of kin is entitled to sign the back of the cheque for the month in which the deceased died, stating the person has died and the date of death; and then will be able to cash or deposit, or you can apply it to the funeral account.  This should half all further cheques from coming.  If not, contact the Income Security Programs Office at 19 Lisgar Street or at 1-800-277-9914 and ask for a field director.


c)      Work Benefits

Many companies have a death benefit for their employees.  It is a good idea to check at the deceased’s place of employment for such a benefit.  Locally the two largest employers have such a package for most employees.

VALE INCO – Contact the Benefit office in the Engineering Building on Power Street, Copper Cliff, at 682-6626.

XSTRATA (Falconbridge) – Contact the Benefit office at 966-3411 (ext. 6910), Sylvie Levert.  *Special note: Xstrata (Falconbridge) allows a death benefit for the spouse of an employee who dies.*

Any benefits received are NOT part of the estate, but paid directly to the beneficiary.

d)      Lodge Benefits

If the deceased was a member of a Lodge, Club, or organization it is worthwhile to check into any possible benefits by contacting the local office or president.

e)      Veterans’ Benefit

There may be benefits available at the time of death.  To find out if the deceased qualifies for such a benefit contact the Last Post Fund of Ontario at 1-800-563-2508.  If you have a problem, contact the War Pensioners’ Association – or the Service Bureau Officer at your local Legion Branch.

f)      Insurance

Contact your agent (or head office) immediately and inform them of the death.  The funeral home will provide any proofs of death necessary upon request.  Each insurance company has its own methods.  Once you have informed them, simply follow the instructions they give you.

g)      Workers’ Safety and Insurance Board

If the death has occurred on the job, as a result of work related accident or health condition, a benefit may be available from Workers’ Safety and Insurance Board.  Call 675-9301, or visit their office at 30 Cedar Street in Sudbury.


a)      House/Property

In most cases it is prudent to utilize the services of a lawyer in matters concerning property.  However, should you wish to attempt the name transfer on your own in a simple case; contact the Land Titles Office at 564-4300 regarding the form to obtain, (this form is available at the local stationers’ store for a nominal fee).  There will be a small fee for the transfer and the Land Titles Office can direct you regarding submitting the form.

b)      Automobile

It is a simple matter of bringing the slip of ownership, Will or legal document to the Ministry of Transportation at the Chamber of Commerce, 40 Elm Street, Sudbury – 674-4503 and they will re-issue you an appropriate new slip.  There will be a small fee.  The Ministry will ask you to return the driver’s license and any disabled parking permit to their office with a proof of death.

c)      Bank Accounts

Notify the bank and make arrangements to meet with the manager or bank officer.  Provide the bank with a proof of death document and a copy of the Will, if one is available.  Upon the death of a spouse all money in a joint account belongs solely to the remaining partner, regardless of the amount of funds in the account.  Legally a funeral bill may be paid by money from the deceased’s account.

d)      Joint Accounts

If an account is joint, where either is to sign cheques, the surviving person has complete access to the funds, with nothing frozen.

Joint bank accounts, investments, or properties maintain their status in life and death.  By holding assets jointly with others in the event of death the surviving party(ies) can directly inherit the item without using a lawyer or Will or probate.  Leave the joint name of the deceased on the account until all government cheques for the month of the death have been entered.

Any other kind of account – Joint but the type where both have to sign, or an account in the deceased’s name only is automatically frozen.  Consult the person handling the estate accounts and they will tell you what you must do to be able to withdraw funds.

e)      Bank Charge Cards (Visa, Master Card, etc).

Charge cards such as Visa, Master Card, store cards, etc… will be invalidated if they are in the name of the deceased only.  If desired, ask for an application form for a card in your own name.  The estate of the deceased is responsible for any outstanding debts and canceling the credit card.

f)        Stocks and Bonds

Check with the bank manager/stockbroker on what he/she requires to have them changed or cashed.  If the process seems too difficult, contact a lawyer to help you.  Canada Savings Bonds can be transferred directly to the estate or directly to the beneficiary.  Complete the “transfer of registered government securities” forms that are available in any financial institution.

g)      Insurance

Any insurance in which the deceased was a beneficiary must now be changed.  Home insurance or auto insurance in the deceased’s name must be changed.  Contact the Insurance Company and tell them the changes necessary and they will help you with any other details.  If you cancel the insurance there may be a rebate available.

h)      Will

Any Will in which the deceased is mentioned as a beneficiary or executor should be changed as well.  Simply contact the lawyer who made the Will and he/she will change it.

i)        R.R.S.P.s/Registered Pension Plans/RIFs

If a deceased spouse owns an R.R.S.P., the funds can be directly rolled over tax free to the surviving spouse’s existing plan or a new one can be set up.

A lump sum death benefit received from a Company Pension Plan can be transferred to the surviving spouse’s R.R.S.P..  Also contact a representative of the institution holding the R.R.S.P. for details.

j)  Power of Attorney

Is a legal document in which an individual empowers another individual with the authority to act on their behalf in conducting his or her financial affairs or health concerns, when an individual becomes permanently or temporarily disabled or incapacitated.  A power of Attorney’s authority ends at the time of death of the individual they are representing, at which time the executor or the legal next of kin takes over.



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Lougheed and Jackson & Barnard Funeral Homes

252 Regent St. | Sudbury, ON P3C 4C8 | Phone: 705-673-9591

4605 Michelle Drive | Hanmer, ON P3P 1L6 | Phone: (705) 673 - 9591

233 Larch St. | Sudbury, ON P3B 1M2 | Phone: (705) 673 - 3611

1815 Main St | Val Caron, ON P3N 1R8 | Phone: (705) 673 - 9591