Use the form above to find your loved one. You can search using the name of your loved one, or any family name for current or past services entrusted to our firm.
Click here to view all obituariesIf you have recently lost someone that you love, we would like to start by saying how sorry we are for your loss, and offering our sincerest condolences. We know that this is a tough time for you, and it is important that you know we are here to help in any way that we can.
Lougheed Funeral Home is committed to providing families with the best and highest quality funeral services in Sudbury. We have been part of the community for many years and are a trusted choice for thousands of area families every year. We work hard to make sure that we provide the best quality or service, and always exceed expectations. Part of providing the highest quality of service possible is making sure that you are well informed before making any decisions. It is important that you have all the information you need before choosing funeral services for your loved one. We have prepared a few pages that are important to look through in order to get a better understanding of what your next steps are. Funeral pre planning is not an easy task; there are many important decisions that need to be made in a very short amount of time, so being prepared is crucial.
First we recommend that you read through the basics, so you have an idea of what you need to do next. Then once you’ve done that you can learn about the different services we provide and decide if you are going to have a burial service or cremation service. We also offer several specialty services, so it’s important to take a look through the information to see which is the right fit for you, your family, and the deceased.
Now that you’ve taken the time to familiarize yourself with our quality funeral services in Sudbury, and have researched the options available to you, we welcome you to get in touch with us so we can answer your questions. You can give us a call at 705-673-9591, email us through our online contact form, or come by and speak with one of our funeral directors in person.
We also would like to remind you that we are available 24 hours a day, so if you are in immediate need do not hesitate to pick up the phone and call us right now.